Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kemal GÖZ
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University
ISSN: 2822-4981
Journal of Turkish World and Turkish Teaching (TDTO) (ISSN: 2822-4981); It is an open access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal published 2 times a year, June and December, which contributes to the introduction of scientific studies in the field of Turkish World and Turkish Teaching to the scientific world. The journal started its publication life in 2022. The publication language of the journal is Turkish. Turkish World and Turkish Teaching (TDTO) journal publishes scientific studies written in the field of Turkish World, Turkish Culture, Turkish Language, Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language and which will contribute to these fields. The articles to be sent to the Journal must not have been published anywhere before or not sent to any place for publication. The articles submitted to the journal are published when they have successfully completed the editorial and refereeing processes. The journal of Turkish World and Turkish Teaching adopts the “Double-Sided Blind Arbitration Model” in which the authors and referees do not know each other during the publication process. In addition, the journal of Turkish World and Turkish Teaching is open access and does not charge any fee from authors or readers under any circumstances.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kemal GÖZ
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University
ISSN: 2822-4981
Türk Dünyası ve Türkçe Öğretimi Dergisinde yayımlanan makaleler, yeni değişen doçentlik şartları kriterlerine göre "Uluslararası Makale" kısmının "d) Diğer uluslararası indekslerde taranan dergide yayımlanmış makale (5 puan)" kapsamındadır.
Journal of Turkish World and Turkish Teaching is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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